M/ ASC/ Lamp on a 80 inch long arm. Materials: stainless steel and glazed ceramic or wood handles. Spotlights point in two different directions and are installed on a mobile bogie. Vertical adjustment of the lamp is located under the bogie. Reflectors can be turned in any direction. The electric wire is hidden in the spring. The lamp is equipped in LED SMPS. The installation process is simple regardless of the wall type with the exception of plaster walls, where reinforcement under the plaster is necessary. Voltage 220[120]V/ 12V, 4x5W LED bulbs GU10 are recommended to emit pleasant light.
made to order// robione na zamówienie
(pl) Lampa wspornikowa zawieszona na ramieniu o długości 2 m. Materiały: stal szlachetna, ceramiczne lub drewniane uchwyty. Reflektorki są zawieszone na wózku. Kinkiet wyposażony jest w zasilacz impulsowy 220[120]V/ 12V plus żarówki 4x5W LED, gniazdo GU10. Prosty montaż z użyciem szablonu.